A 148  Flatiron.jpg (111512 bytes)  Flatiron Building, New York B 1729  ChristmasB1729.jpg (278129 bytes)  An unusual card: to see why, go to the 'P' group
E 13737   Savannah.jpg (300537 bytes)  Forsyth Park Fountain, Savannah, GA G 3165  Battell.jpg (299879 bytes)  Battell Chapel, Yale
 62516   Belleville, KS.jpg (319351 bytes)    Hotel Republic, Bellville, KS  Misc.    Canada.jpg (150814 bytes)  Canada


         New Gallery Scans: Souvenir Cards, Patent #806631

    As the miscellaneous page, item 2., shows, one group of Rotographs was a predecessor of modern day "souvenir" fold-outs.  These came with a large view on the face, say of the state capitol of Colorado, in Denver, but included a small window which locked shut or opened to reveal a series of related views.  The Denver card is especially prized because CO cards do not turn up as often as those from the populous East.  Another sample, sent in by a collector, shows how the New Orleans views folded out.  

  31011a   scan.jpg (470734 bytes)     

                    New Orleans souvenir closed  MVC-017S.JPG (32544 bytes)    and opened  MVC-018S.JPG (33493 bytes)  


Note: Most scans on this site will be kept at 100 kb or less to provide fairly quick downloading.  This page will be an exception.  Larger  images here will permit appreciation of the quality of Rotograph workmanship.  These scans will change occasionally.  Send your own favorites to display or to raise a question.

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