The Number-Only Cards.   Excel file, approx. 2,800 cards.

     As Faulkner writes, "None of the National Art cards or the early Rotograph reprints have [letter] prefixes, although later reprints of the same cards do" ("A Guide to  Rotograph  Cards,"  Rotograph Review 1.1, 1977).   

     Running from single digits to 30,000s (skipping the 29,000s) most of these cards are BW views in the 50,000 and 60,000 group.  A few are colored or handcolored.   These cards show great variation in backs, some with plain red lettering and no logo, some with the familiar sun-in-a-circle logo (whether red or green), and some with the elaborately scripted SolArtsPrints (in red) in at least two sizes.  See "Backs" pages for illustrations.

     The St. Louis 1904 Exposition cards are listed here as are the New York Fire Department scene cards.  By contrast, the San Francisco Fire cards, lacking a number, appear in the "ETC" list--see the Miscellaneous page.


           10a.   10a_Grants_Tomb.jpg (116328 bytes)   Grant's Tomb

                    116   116_Church_of_Christ.jpg (43991 bytes)    First Church of Christ Scientist, New York, NY     

                           330/l.   3301 Ponce de Leon.jpg (155888 bytes)   Hotel Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine, FL                                                                                      

Sub-groups.  Numbers without any prefix also appear on cards which are not plain views.  Besides the St. Louis Expo cards and the New York Fire Dept cards, embossed holiday and greeting cards are so marked.  I am for now illustrating them separately here but interfiling them on the Excel list. See the "Backs" page for more information about these groups.


   St. Louis Exposition 1904     Expo.jpg (131825 bytes)   3520


   Fire Insurance Cards, New York Underwriters' Agency

     Fire.jpg (167333 bytes)   51317


     Greetings     243_Holiday_3.jpg (38025 bytes)    243/3         501 Greeting.jpg (204511 bytes)    501

