stands for "Delft" blue, the particular greyish blue cast of this
type. Similar to the bw views of the A cards, they nevertheless gain in
this coloration a particularly high definition. They seem to be RP cards
shot through some sort of filter; and the identifying script is typed
or etched in white on the face, rather than in black or green as on other
cards. Often there is a moodiness about
them. For this reason,
I suppose, the subjects may be charming or romantic scenes, such as canals
and windmills, harbors, and snow-covered cottages. Yet the effect is
equally as striking for trains or for topics as solid as the Chew Mansion or
Flatiron Building. I also have one D, a multicolored lithograph, much more
like the E group (see that page).
D155a. db Moonlight,
New York Harbor
D239 udb River
Drive and Train Bridge, Philadelphia, PA
D253a. ub
The Chew Mansion, Philadelphia, PA